What is Dynamic Injection?
Most email service providers (e.g., Mailchimp) allow users to insert macros to inject data from their contact records into their emails. With LeadPost, you can do that for emails and postcards.
For more information on using dynamic injection with email see How to Add Dynamic Injection to an Email Campaign in LeadPost
It's called dynamic injection. Dynamic injection is similar to mail merge or data merge. It allows you to personalize direct mail and email campaigns with data from your LeadPost records.
You'll add variables to your campaigns in this format: {{%%FieldName%%}}. So "Hi, {{%%FirstName%%}}" will replace the variable with the recipient's first name (e.g., "Hi, John").
In the video above, you can see an example of how this works and how to set it up.
Also, you can access HTML templates for the front and back of your postcard card below:
What LeadPost Direct Mail Campaign Types Support Dynamic Injection?
LeadPost's HTML Upload option supports full dynamic injection. However, the Creative Builder and PDF Upload options do not. So if you want to use dynamic injection, you'll need to create an HTML creative.
Proof Your Campaign
After updating a creative to add dynamic injection, the platform will show you a fully rendered proof of the creative. The HTML will be flattened into a PDF for printing, and it will include dynamically injected data.
Select one of your audiences to inject data and see how it will look. You can do that by selecting an audience from the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner of the proof window.
What Data Can Be Dynamically Injected?
You can dynamically inject just about anything anywhere.
That includes:
- Dynamic, one-time, one-use promo codes
- Pictures
- Data based on pages visited (e.g., items in an abandoned eCommerce shopping cart)
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please email us at support@leadpost.com.