Set Your Initial Billing Plan
When you first log in to your White Label account, you'll be prompted to select a billing plan. There are some things you can do in your account without selecting a billing plan, but you will not be able to adjust your white label settings or add clients until you select a billing plan.
The billing plans will default to annual billing, which will save you 20%, but if you want monthly billing, you can click the green button at the top to toggle monthly billing.
Enable Overages
When selecting a plan, you'll have the option to enable overages.
If you enable overages, you'll continue to receive leads after hitting your lead credit cap for the month. You'll be charged for these leads at the effective rate for your plan.
You can enable or disable overages at any time.
How Credits Work
When you select a plan, you'll receive a certain number of credits. B2C leads cost one credit, and B2B leads cost five credits. You can use your credits on B2C data, B2B data, or both.
The credits can be applied to an unlimited number of client accounts and an unlimited number of B2C and B2B accounts.
Enabling Overages and Updating Your Billing Plan
Once you've upgraded to an White Label plan, you can navigate to Account > Billing to upgrade or downgrade your billing plan.
Upgrade Your Billing Plan
If you want to continue receiving leads but you don't want to enable overages, you can upgrade your plan by navigating to Account > Billing and choosing a plan. If you upgrade, the charges for the month will be prorated based on the number of days left in your current plan, and that amount will be deducted from the total for the first month.
The upgrade will take effect immediately once your payment is processed.
Downgrade Your Billing Plan
You can downgrade your plan at any time, but the downgrade will not take effect until your current plan period is ended.
Adding or Removing Accounts from Your Billing Plan
When a new free trial user's trial runs out, they'll need a billing plan to continue using the platform. To add them to your billing plan, navigate to Clients and then click the lock icon next to the client you'd like to add to your billing plan.
That will log you in as that client. Then, you can navigate to Account > Set Billing Plan, and you'll see a prompt asking whether you want to add that account to your billing plan.
Click Confirm to add the account to your billing plan.
If you decide to remove an account from your billing plan, you'll navigate to Clients, and click the trash can icon. Then you'll confirm that you want to remove the account.
The trash can icon will not appear if the client has any active campaigns, so you'll have to disable all campaigns before you can remove the account from your billing plan.
Any Questions?
If you need any help with this, please email us at