To edit or add data campaigns, navigate to Campaigns > Data. Then, click the pencil icon to edit the campaign.
From there, you'll have the ability to edit the choices you made during the initial campaign setup process.
Here's what you can configure in each section.
1. Basic Info
- Campaign Name.
- Campaign Status. The choices here are Active, Inactive, and Archived. Active means the campaign is eligible to deliver new leads based on your filter criteria. Inactive means the campaign is off. Archived means it's hidden from view. It isn't deleted, but it won't be in your way.
2. Schedule
- Start Date (Optional)
- End Date (Optional)
- Send Delay Days (Optional). Setting this option gives your visitors time to convert before you're charged for the lead. For example, if you have a suppression audience set up for converted visitors and you set Send Delay Days to three, you won't pay for a lead if the visitor converts within three days.
3. Audiences
- Target Audiences
4. Suppressions
- CRM Suppression Audiences
- Email Suppression Audiences
5. Geo Filters
- Filter Name
- Filter Type
- Filtered Items
6. Data
- Data Priority
- Delivery Frequency
- Resend Period
- Fields to Append
7. Budget
- Max. Daily Spend (Optional)
- Max. 30-Day Spend (Optional)
- Max. Lifetime Spend (Optional)
- Delivery Record Cap (Optional)
- Delivery Record Cap Reset Day of Month (Optional)
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, email us at